
April 30, 2014

The End

So, I guess I'll come out with this. Through some complicated external circumstances, I couldn't finish my novel in Camp NaNoWriMo, and I can't play Wizard101 or blog anymore.

I know this is really sudden, and unlike the last time, I'm pretty sure this time it is goodbye. I wish I could play Khrysalis Part 2, but it's just not going to happen, so I'm going to accept that and just say: Thank you all so, so, much for reading my blog, Emma and Destiny for inspiring me to write a real novel (because this is something I'm not going to drop)...I'm just so grateful to all of you to making my time here a happy one.

I might not be able to see comments after this, so if you comment and I don't reply, don't think I'm ignoring you. I'm not! Just remember how much I enjoyed this, and the splendiferous thaumaturge!

I'm sorry this had to be so sudden, but...I guess this is it. It's time to move on with my life. Goodbye. And once again, thank you. :)

- Sophia E
- Emma I
- Grace S 

1 comment:

  1. My dear, you've only just begun on a wacky, wonderful journey of writing and wonder. Perhaps not through a screen any longer, may you find your internal wizardry and derive from it everything spectacular on life's many-faceted path. Keep Traveling - find your footing and depend on it; Every path traveled will result in the greatest adventure that can only be yours.

    Wishing you well now and always,

